Monday, February 1, 2016

Doritos Commercial- "Swipe for Doritos"

The commercial that I voted for was the "Swipe for Doritos" advertisement. I preferred it over the others because I thought that it played well on the social media side with a spin on apps such as Tinder. The ad was very effective in humor as I found myself laughing several times during the ad. The app was also likable because you may find similarities between people portrayed in the ad and people in your own life. The ad is effective at selling Doritos because it emphasizes that Doritos are the most important thing in life even romance. The target market is those who are on dating apps or who know what they are. It uses pop culture humor by alluring to mobile or online dating apps. They are targeting a younger age group with this ad probably between the ages of 18-30 years old.

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